Saturday, July 09, 2005

Hope for MCM at SOROPTIMIST congress, Vienne

Soroptimist LogoYoung European Mediators, Tivat
Hello to you all,

Good news : SOROPTIMIST CLUB PARIS-SUD has presented a project proposal to the 1300 european and african SOROPTIMIST Clubs to support MCM mediators and women of Mitrovica first but not only. The club gave a small leaflet to all 1300 participants which details long term expectations for the whole area. Members of the club keep themselves aware of what is beeing done until now in Macedonia Serbia Kosovo Montenegro and some of the projects of YEMnet's (Young European Mediators network) members in Croatia, as her member Diane was one of the very first educators to train Young European Mediators, back in 1996-98.

This happened at the congress of the Soroptimist International / Europe in Vienna (Austria), where Paris-Sud's representatives hold a conference-workshop on friday, july 8., 2005, 2pm., about mediation and the need for training in Mitrovica and Kosovo.

Go and have a look at their leaflet. Download its english or french version by clicking on the current headline, you will be directed to Soroptimist Paris-Sud's new website. We worked hard together on the documents and wish you a good reading. Please comment.

This is not a first step from Soroptimist International / Europe. In the past years, Mrs Heidrun Konrad emphasized the focus on Bosnia during her 2-year presidence with success. Mrs Heidrun Konrad will be succeeded on sunday, july 10., 2005, by Mrs Monique Rivière, new elected president for Europe until the next Soroptimist International congress in Glasgow, 2007.

The SI/Europe will not stop its efforts to support mediators in South-east Europe. I guess that very soon someone who visited MCM recently might have good news to tell you when she's back… Hopefully it's only a start, we expect to be able to associate SI/Europe more largely and involve other organisations into our actions for youths and women in south-east Europe.

Please, comment and mail your ideas back, to boost the projects.


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